Circo Italiano Bonaccini has a tradition and experience in circus art for more than 3 generations.

Circo Italiano Bonaccini is an Italian company whose main activity is circus shows without animals.

Program with numerous aerial acrobatics, comic moments for children and adults, juggling, magic acts, illusionism, static acrobatics, choreography.

An exceptional act called "Wheel of Death" performed by circus owner Jurgen Bonaccini.

Clowns, good mood and many other surprises.

Circo Italiano Bonaccini has medal-winning artists at various festivals around the world.

All the artists are graduates of circus schools in Italy, France, Russia and Romania.

Circo Italiano Bonaccini creates and presents new shows every year.

Circo Italiano Bonaccini can also create a show on demand with the same professionalism that we have proven so far.